Ruskin Museum

Today's the day ........................ to go to Coniston

Went to a meeting today which was held in the Ruskin Museum in Coniston.

It's a lovely little museum - full of interesting things. It has been in the news recently because it is where the newly restored 'Bluebird K7' will eventually be on display. This is the speedboat in which Donald Campbell was killed on 4 January 1967 when it flipped and disintegrated at a speed in excess of 300 mph. Before this Donald Campbell and his father Malcolm had set eleven speed records on water and ten on land.

It also has a fine collection of Ruskin lace dating back to its origins in 1883. The Victorian philanthropist and writer John Ruskin who lived in the Coniston valley encouraged the local people to make spinning wheels and weaving looms to produce linen cloth. This cloth was then further decorated with a form of embroidery adapted from drawings made by Ruskin. The venture flourished for a number of years, gradually declining during the First World War.

This museum is well worth a visit if you find yourself in Coniston with an hour or so to spare .........................

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