Mummy build house.

21months 28 days

I was given my instructions this morning - "mummy build house" she said, having pulled out the brick drawer. The first thing she did was sort out all the plastic ones, dumping the wooden bricks. I built the bare foundations of the house, she then turned it into a castle. With two very tall towers. The first one totally of double bricks, the second of single bricks - last time I blipped her building, she'd sorted them all by colour. This time she was sorting by size. We played for ages and it wasnt until I got a text from a friend asking me about Montessori nurseries that I realised we would be late for Montessori if we didnt get a wriggle on!

We had a great time. She ran straight to the painting table as soon as we arrived and did 3 creations (2 keepers, one recycling page of brown smoosh!) using lots of different pattern rollers, a paintbrush and then of course her hands. She spent a long time playing with the food and their wooden kitchen. She hunted out all the pretend bread and the potatoes. My Girl's gotta have her carbs, no Atkins for her! At song time, for the first time she ran up to the leader and made her request for a song (3 little Monkeys) and was properly jumping during it, both feet off the ground.

She asked for cheese straws so we popped to the town near the school and had a little wander. I found her two very pretty dresses to grow into and she claimed a little singing caterpillar toy. I found a shop selling the most delicious tortes and cheesecakes, rather cheap too. So I felt I should test at least one! Katie was in agreement and had some of a caramel crispy cake, before she fell asleep on the way home.

We had a walk together when she woke up before coming home and playing wit a huge collection of her soft friends. She's had a snack of crackers and grated cheese in a bowl. I couldnt find the dregs of the cheese or the bowl and asked her where it was. "ohhh, cheese. Naughty". And took me to where she'd upturned the last bits of cheese on the floor. At least she was honest!

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