Little Miss One Sock

21months 27days

.... and her cousins.

Katie's definitely settling back in to being at home in her own bed after the other beds from holiday and this weekend - she slept through til 3.30 before she stirred at all today, so we're getting back in routine. Something that works well for both of us (not just mummy being a stickler!)

We got up and pottered round and before I knew it, we'd hit 9.15 and it was a touch of a rush to get off for tea and toast. I asked Katie to get her sandals. She put one sock and one sandal on. Then was trying to get the other sandal on, without a sock. She wouldnt let me take the sock off the socked foot, nor would she let me add one to the bare foot. So Katie-One-Sock it was!

We walked to tea and toast and there were none of our friends there at all! In fact, there was only 4 people in total (really unusual for school holiday, its normal heaving!) Eventually Tatiana and her mum came and we had a play with them.

The Cousins came down and met us at tea and toast for a bit, before four of us walked to feed the ducks. Shes now got the hang of feeding the ducks, not herself, and also now pulls the bread into pieces, rather than lobbing the whole lot at some poor unsuspecting duck. She did however try to climb in with them. We all headed back to ours for a play and some food before the Cousins headed home.

Not long after the Cousins had left, Katie went down for her sleep. I spent a while sorting through baby equipment, getting it ready to pass on to an expectant friend. Very exciting but a touch sad too. After I got Katie up, we went for a walk out, did some banking, bought a few little bits in the shop, then Katie decided we were going to see the teddy (at the supermarket) and led us there. She now knows the way to about 5 different places from home and can lead the whole way home from 3 of those. She seems to be having a fairly hungry day today and is on a bit of an eating mission as I type.

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