Bees yes, but not these little blighters. I would never normally get so close to a Wasp, but that's what Blip has done.

I could only manage a garden blip as it was another day of clearing out. Which led to lots of rediscovering and reading, and making piles of "things to do later", and "things to look at later". Though I'm not quite sure when this "later" will come.

It has been pointed out to me that the clearout is my own fault for being such a hoarder. To my mind it is more because I have many hobbies and interests and like to have a go at various crafts, but have very limited time to put this into practice. My accuser has just the one hobby which only requires binoculars and a bird book, and a lot of my time spending days out with him. I'll bring that one up next time he gets twitchy.

Incredible that I am on holiday and yet had to back-blip for yesterday!

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