
By sailfish

St Mary's in the rain

Unusually for me I've got Saturday off - yay!

I had planned to spend it with my friend S who is moving away in September. Following the discovery of the leaky roof on Thursday, and spending a lot of time on the phone to the insurance company and it's representatives yesterday, I still haven't managed to get an assessor out to see the damage. They promise to call you within 4 hours of the query - ha!

Today I spent more time on the phone trying to get it sorted, which I eventually did, the assessor will come on Wednesday.

Finally got out to the wonderful Herbies for a selection of cheeses for S's farewell dinner this evening. Their Brie is especially good.

Came home via St Mary's, needless to say it's raining again. S's farewell dinner went very well and lasted into the wee small hours.

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