Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Free 'undred

Let me tell you a story, which you will eventually find out has relevance to the picture above. In order to tell this story I must tell you about one of my very firm beliefs in life.

If your here for the laughs, this is like the episode where Chandler and Monica get married in Friends. There might be the odd chuckle, but on the whole it's going to be a bit of a deep one.

If you don't watch Friends and like life to be classed in real terms and not on fictional characters then you're going to be disappointed.

So i believe quite strongly that things happen for a reason, and that your life is made up of a collection of 'eras'. It might be that there is a three month gap, or a six, but either way an era has a beginning, a middle and an end.

All my eras tend to be related to Lincoln City. John Schofield and John Deehan were sacked the same month I split with Kelly. Their succesor Peter Jackson was appointed weeks before i met Georgi, and left weeks before we split. By the time my reckless period started we had Chris Sutton - he departed just days before I signed up for Blip.

So for me Blip identified itself as an era - but within that era there has been litte coincidences that continue to lead me to believe that I am heading in the right direction. My first model on blip was the young lady on the left here.

On my 100th evening these two came round as I was uploading. On my 200th they helped paint my face and revelled in the number of comments their handiwork got the next day.

Last night as I pondered my 300th they popped over - they're pregnant. Not both of them of course, just the female half.

It's clear who they are but I'm not naming them and if you know them don't tell them it's on here. They are waiting a week to tell people.

So it's my 300th blip and at each turn I believe more and more strongly that I should be contributing here. I've met some great people over the last 300 (or so) days, people who have helped me through arguably one of the toughest and solitary periods of my life. As my Blip era approachs the full year I really think I've emerged from the other side with a hobby, new friends and a fresh impetus to write and create.

That's thanks to you lot.

So for that reason I thought it important tonight to not focus so much on me, or on the 300. I wanted to focus on the wonder that is all around, something that participating on Blip has made me keep an eye out for. Irt might be a bubble in someones back garden, a kite on a beach or a tender hand hold between two people on the cusp of the rest of their lives.

In other news I'm watching Spurs dismantle the pride of Edinburgh on ITV4. God bless football.

Cheers y'all for popping by, subscribing, reading my often aimless rambling and mostly making me feel good about myself.

Seeing as I was light on laughs, here's a little gag to make you smile.

A man with no arms and no legs is waiting at a bus stop. The bus pulls up and the driver leans out the window:

"Alright Harry, How you getting on?"

Thank you. I'm here all week. Try the fish.

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