Who knew?

By InOtherNews

It's a bridge

I'm not writing a massive amount tonight as it's been a busy day. However I have a couple of things to say (which is very unlike me).

Thank you for all the wonderful messages and stars and favourites yesterday. I really love this website and seeing '32 new comments' gave me a right little buzz. I haven't been able to return comments because of time but I will. Thank you.

I had an ace day out today in a rather quaint Lincolnshire town that houses this bridge, as well as a gorgeous park and a lot of stone buildings. I had a really good day. Yeah. Really good.

Lincoln lost tonight in their 3rd game in 7 days. That's two defeats and one draw. Oh well, always next season eh?

I must confess to being a little taken aback by today. I've spent most of it outside my comfort zone, but I think that's a good thing. Stamford is beautiful, and the blazing sunshine really helped. it'd be remiss of me to make any light hearted jokes or sarcastic comments because frankly I don't have any that seem relevant.

I'd like to state now though that my fine masculine form is never, ever going to be encapsulated in lycra. Never.

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