Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Six of one...half a dozen of the other...

If I get the express train home then I need to lift the bike down to the platform...if I get the local service home I need to lift the bike over platforms at in that respect it's six of one...half a dozen of the other. At some point I need to lift that bike aloft and give it a wee's the least I can do it carries me plenty of places;-)

These day's I tend to do my lifting at the Stirling end...the express train was getting a bit busy with cyclists and if First Scotrail or the guard are on a rules crackdown there's a chance you might not get on. There's quite a bit of distance to cover between platform 8e and platform 15 at Waverley and with only 5 minutes between the departure of the express train and the local service not a lot of time to cover that distance sans bicycle on shoulder.

So tonight I tried to capture me carrying the bike. So with the bike perched on my shoulder and steadied with my right hand the iPhone in the left hand being angled and operated...I snapped! ...and the angle I was resigned to take this in doesn't really show that the bike is aloft... ho-hum sometimes you win and sometimes you loose:-) I still quite like the pic it has my trusty wheels in it...hope I don't get a puncture tomorrow now I've said that.

A working day today with not much opportunity for a sensational blip for my 500th...but then that's part of what blip is all about for gives you a chance to celebrate the everyday things and to share in other members everyday things...and I love it:-)

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing:-)

Looking at my most used tags fitting that my bike should feature in my 500th blip as cycling is my number 1 tag!

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