Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos


Last couple of morning's that I have been cycling there has been a wee nip in the air...this morning when I got up for my run it was dark...and foggy! Lordy...the barmy army are just back to school and already the days are slowly getting visibly shorter.

I had a few minutes to spare this morning when I left for the train so I took the back road which is a wee bitty longer...and foggier...popped the lights on as I was cycling because the visibility was so poor. It was a pretty damp cycle too through all that mist. This was the view at the station looking north up the train tracks:-/

The cycle this evening was a race against the rain clouds bursting and I'm glad that after Wednesday's soaking I won that race:-) Managed to get home dry.

Kids activities starting up again...tonight Es had Guides and tomorrow the big boys have swimming and the wee fella football...Saturday morning lie ins are a thing of summer...

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