Doom and Gloom

By Doom

So... Nurnburg today?

Nah. Woke up too late again... near mid-day. I had a last night originating in the Eulenspiegel. Owl mirror? Some joker a few years back used to carry an owl and a mirror around, its all a bit Medevil and spooky. This place is a proper German beer Keller with little nooks and cranies and corridors all made from wood. Dead German and very atmospheric. I was so;d on the beer menu wich had countless beers from all over the globe on. German, English, French, Serbian and Bulgarian nationals all huddled around the jokers table. I really did not fancy going out but it was a good evening which went on into the morning.
Met Stephan in the Auflauf getting lunch. Wurzburg Marathon was on today so took a few shots down by the river. Might even stick them on Picassa when I can be bothered. Went over to Stefan's friends house and had a coffee and some superior German cake.
Managed to get Dr Who off of a torrent and watched that!

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