
An eventful day! My planned photo date cancelled due to an important appointment and I found myself roped into buying school uniform items, etc. In the evening I managed to make it to my first meeting of the Belfast Skeptics group (I normally work Thursday evenings) to hear Trevor Birney, a local award-winning TV journalist talk about his career and the current drive to remove unprofitable current affairs programming from regional television. Very, very interesting stuff, but I had a date planned with Kristen Scott Thomas over at the Queens Film Theatre, where she was acting in Sarah's Key, so I had to leave a bit earlier than I'd have liked to.
On my way out, I managed to fall headfirst down the stairs in The Parlour bar dropping my beloved 7D and my iPhone. They were both undamaged thankfully but I cut my knee and hurt my shoulder, arm and stomach.
Anyhoo, I only got one picture taken and this is it. Belfast City Council have a policy of painting over any illegal posters with horrible brown primer-type paint and you can see some of it in this shot. I'm not sure why someone has tried to pick off the rest. Maybe they're bored.

Kristen was dreamy, by the way.

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