Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Tough Game!

I had a descendent from this Commodore game system back in the late 1980s. This modern version has been in the wars, well, a house fire. What looks like tons of household items have been dumped out through the windows of a burnt out house on the outskirts of Drogheda by firemen to stop them burning. It happened a few years ago, I think. The house, a detached with a double garage on around an acre of land has since been badly vandalised. Definitely beyond economic repair.

I think there may have been more to the story, that I'm not aware of.

Anyhow, this brought back memories of Sid Meier's Civilisation and Railroad Tycoon from that time. Lost weekend games, I called them, as I would get so engrossed, I would easily lose track of time.

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