Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Useful Little Bucket

Went out to the bars last night with the guys (see yesterday's blip).
I didn't drink, but they did. (I drove).
Three bars and lots of alcohol.
Two a.m. and we were back at my apartment, one of the guys worse off than the other.
I wouldn't be feeling so well if I had taken two shots of tequila, either.
Let's just say this bucket got some use. Poor guy.

After a full night/afternoon of sleep, we woke up and wandered around town.
Had Big Mama's Burritos for lunch, and took a few strolls around the block to show them the town.
Fun finds:
*bow tie
*tulip parts
*fake flowers

Another round of drinking tonight for them.
I'm designated driver. :)

NOTE: All pictures are unedited (including the one posted) because my editing program has decided to hate me.

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