Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Eyes Have It

It was a flower/butterfly/insect day today in my neck of the woods. I had to sit home this morning while having repairs done on our air conditioner, but the morning wasn't a total loss. I ran out on the deck to get something and there was a glorious monarch perched on a vase of flowers. The necessitated a lot of running back and forth (camera, etc) during which time the Monarch posed and preened. After I got off a few shots, off she went.

Then, I got to noticing that the flowers were looking a little peaked, so I thought I'd take a run over to the farm and pick some flowers in their fields (after the A/C guy drained my bank account.) There were butterflies everywhere in the fields today - monarchs, black and yellow swallowtails and these gorgeous yellow things. As usual, I just got lost in it all and ended up spending well over an hour. I also saw a very pretty brown butterfly (or maybe it's a moth?) and, of course, lots of bees. Managed to get one of my best bee shots yet, although still far from perfect.

I think a pitcher of margaritas is in order this evening...


Brown Butterfly

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