Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


This was Mori's last day in my abode, his owners got back from their hols today. I'm going to miss the wee fella, it was lovely having him to stay and he was great company. Mental of course, but all the best cats are ;)

I've had a v nice day despite Mori's departure - Mum was passing through the Burg today so I got to show off my new pad and then we had lovely lunch with Claire and Andy round the corner. Later Mags and I went to see David Sedaris who was brilliant. We've seen him before at the Book Fest where I accidentally managed to get Maggie's book signed and dedicated to me...oops! So this time we went up together and had him dedicate our books to each other!
Not such an odd request really, I'm sure he meets much crazier people than us.....

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