Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Mags and I met up to go to Judy's Vintage Fair at the Picturehouse on Lothian Rd today. We were hoping to have a good wander around and search for some vintage treasures, but the place was so unbearably hot and crowded there was just no getting near anything! We emerged gasping for air and decided to pop into the Book Fest and say hello to lovely MsInk (she's pretty much in permanent residence there at the moment!) before grabbing some icy coffees and going to sit in the gardens.
Cue torrential downpour!
Ahh the Scottish weather, hot and sunny one minute bucketing with rain the next! Actually it was quite pleasant after being so hot and sticky and I like walking in the rain (when my hair isn't freshly dyed and likely to drip red all down my face!) was pretty sodden and squelchy by the time I got in though.
Time for a nice hot bath :)

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