Chore Saturday

Aye, not much of a photo today although it does represent all I've done today - some gardening and some tidying in the garage. I did take the weans for a cycle to the shops for some lunch foods, Ewan on his bike and Ellen in the trailer, and then along to the harbour for a sit and a read at their comics. Actually, Ellen was quite funny in the trailer, sitting taunting Ewan for being slow even though she wasn't doing a thing.

The garage still looks a tip but this is enormous progress and many bags of rubbish have been filled. The wee Vax has been earning its keep sooking up saw dust and the piles of stuff are more sorted into tools, camping or bike-related. It's the bikes that take up all the room and I need to build a new bike shed onto the side of the garage. There's one there just now but it's not big enough. There's six bikes in the garage and two outside but only four of them are mine.

And if you look closely, just to the right of the pink Vanish tub at the back, you'll see my enlarger. There's still a plan for that corner to become a dark room. A distant plan.

Yesterday's sick boy was today's poorly boy, or as my granny might have called it - "hingy", meaning the kind of floppy, lethargic weariness (and whininess) of someone under par. Actually both of them have been a bit like that today. We packed them off to bed at 7 and they were sound asleep straight away. A nice long evening for us.

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