To me, to you

We hired a van today and headed over to Granny and Grandad's house as they were kindly giving us a huge bed and some bedroom furniture for our new room.

It proved a bit tricky trying to get everything squeezed in the van! We ended up with the van full and also our car full of furniture. We stayed for lunch there and Kerr had a play with his cousin L, while her Daddy helped Kerrsdaddy load the van.

Kerrsdaddy and I managed (surprisingly) to carry everything in the house when we got home. It was a bit of a struggle trying to push the huge mattress up the stairs, and I got a couple of comments like 'you need to man up a bit!' but we managed in the end.

We are off out to a charity race night tonight with friends. Really looking forward to it. My parents are here for dinner and to look after Kerr while we are out.

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