"does my bum look dirty in this?"

Clean clothes on, straight out the door, down the slide, muddy shorts - yes my dear I am talking about you!

Not that I mind though, I just loved the absolute expression of amazement that Sienna managed when I asked her - "how did you get your shorts dirty so quickly?" It was all a mystery to her! But isn't that the complete joy of being a child, not sweating the small stuff!

A day at home after 24 consecutive days away or working, home sweet home I say!

Finished 'choosing' some back blips of our holiday. I naturally assumed that I would have more time to spend taking photographs that were a little more thought through or composed than my usual point and hope. However I sort of 'forgot' that even when away you still have 'life' to contend with and the needs of five children and really there was very little extra time in your day! So my images are mostly of the capturing the moment sort, which of course it what they should be as the kids will only ever be on this holiday at their ages once. Meanwhile those beautiful ruins and character filled sights of France will always be there for me to spend time photographing in the future...

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