Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys


Poor Bandon seems to be quite bored since Dad has been out of town. I guess we haven't been keeping him as busy and entertained as he would like ;)

We spent all morning and most the afternoon at my moms house. I had told her I'd come over and spend some time helping to clean up her yard and making a plan to relandscape the front yard. When I agreed I didn't realize it would be the hottest day we've had in an entire year. I think we finally broke 95+ here. It was a bit hot for yard work but we still managed to get quite a bit done.

After we finished I went home to start working on some projects of my own while my mom took the boys to Toys R Us to get ideas for their birthdays. Both boys have birthdays this first week of September (between birthdays and back to school, september is a spendy month for us!). They picked out so many things they "needed" that they finally stopped writing the items down and instead my mom just took pictures of everything with her phone. They have some pretty big ideas for their birthdays this year.

Anyway, my mom brought them home and while they ran around the house in their underwear (refusing to wear pjs) and being the crazy boys that they are, I was on a mission to clean things out. I managed to get through all our bedroom closets and drawers. What a job this has been. WOW.

In the picture Bandon is watching me and the boys as I sort through what to keep and what to toss. Poor dog...he needs dad to come home so he doesn't look so pathetic.

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