
Apache doing what he does best sleeping!! - he likes to sleep on my old jumper which is on D's computer seat (to stop his claws digging into the leather), he's actually got a smiley face so I'm guessing he's having sweet dreams. But sometimes like this afternoon he's a pain - when I was ironing he pulled himself up my leg coz he wanted a cuddle and drew blood as he stuck his long claws in (for grip not to be nasty) he's naughty and I was non too happy as it hurt but I didn't scold him

Gosh with no D today I got so much done :) he's just called I have to pick him up in 30 mins., then called back to ask what was for dinner coz he's hungry *sigh* some things never change, but to be fair I'd rather cook 100% for someone like D who loves his food than some fussy person who truns their nose up at all and sundry. I've got a fridge full of green beans, plums, apples and tomotoes from my parents garden and I must say the plums are scrum so sweet and juicy - tried to get some more figs but they have either been decimated by the birds or too hihg to reach

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