All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Hubbie & I car-shared today so did the nursery drop off and pick ups together. I watched through the tweenie room window while hubbie went in to get Ethan and it was lovely to see Ethan's reaction when he realised his Daddy was there and then big smiles for me when he spotted me through the window too.

Not such good news though - he got bitten by another child at nursery again today! Yet again, he did nothing to warrant the attack but fortunately his hand didn't have much of a mark on it when we checked so not as bad as last time.

It was the usual post-nursery meltdown at dinner time though. However once he had finally eaten his omlette he was happy as could be. He had great fun playing on the cow Foreveryoung bought him for his Christmas last year and also played with his Duplo for a while too. Oh, and he also wolfed down lots of fruit toast too which is a real favourite!

As for the one sock on, one sock off - he took one off himself but downright refused to let the other one be taken off his foot so he chose that look himself!

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