All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


After going to bed so early last night with a migrane, I woke just after midnight. I guess for a normal night, 5 hours sleep is all I get though so my body probably thought it was time to get up! Ethan then woke howling at 3.30am so I got up to see to him then. Thought he was going to need calpol as I'm sure he has more teeth on the way and his cries sounded really distressed. However a few strokes of his hair and he went back to sleep without a fuss. He cried out again several times during the night but went through till just after 7am till I had to get him up!

Fortunately my head was back to normal but hubbie not feeling at all well. I played with Ethan till 9.30am when hubbie finally surfaced and took over to allow me to do some overtime. He ended up taking Ethan plane spotting again and also managed to get a toot and a friendly wave from a train driver too! Ethan fell asleep during the drive home and hubbie somehow managed to get him out the car and into the cot, where he slept for an hour and a half! Well done hubbie!

After lunch, I took Ethan to Almond Valley Heritage Centre. He didn't seem quite so interested in the animals today and wanted to have a shot on all the playthings there instead. After a good bounce on the trampolines, he had a good attempt at putting on his own wellies ... in fact he spent ages trying it in all sorts of different positions, but gave up in the end and let me do it for him!

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