must try harder

By halfcj

What now?

Thanks to everyone for all the great comments on my series, The Importance of Being Earnest. It's caused me a problem as I had no idea what to do or where to go next!...and feel I needed a break from doing anything intense, like making sure lighting was spot on, that I was focusing on exactly the right feature to make the most of my portraits.

Inspiration is truly lacking as I have spent most of the day solving BT problems again...never-ending!

So, to gently ease my way back into thinking creatively (not necessarily with the promise of success), I am providing you with a quickie today. Here are some flowers that B got for her birthday. No, they haven't lasted 10 days...they were late!

And before you all scream
"Shame on you - must try harder!!"
(clever little play on my name there!).....they were not from me!....and before you all shout
"that's worse!...",
they are not from me because...I happen to know that B doesn't like roses! Well not exactly not like, but she much prefers other varieties and she can take or leave roses....hence, were I to have bought her flowers (which I didn't - now you can say "shame on you....etc!"), then it would not have been roses. Anyhow, I didn't buy her flowers...mustn't spoil the girl! :)

No, it was her mother. She's known her daughter, shall we just say, a significant number of years more than me and she bought the roses. She didn't get the kind of look I would have got had I bought them, that's for sure!

Personally, I thought they were quite nice. Mind you, looks like I need to do a spot of decorating!

PS - Oh, and to get the best view of the lighting need to get the best out of these velvety beauties, see large.

PPS - will get around to catching up on commenting myself...been a bit up to my eyes for a wee while!

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