must try harder

By halfcj

Different strokes for for different blippers.

Unhappy with the Techies again. Second time this week, written a book, only to get an error...back button....all is lost!!

The gist of my entry was about how different blippers use blipfoto. Some photo first writing second, some visa versa, some no writing, some no relevance, some I'm not sure even why they're here and the final ones I mentioned were what I called 'fishers'. This will now have to be for another blip, as I have run out of time tonight.

So, after my first series, back to my normal photograph of the day and why.

Here's a wee fella who came into view as we rounded a path. He stopped eating abruptly, presumably disturbed as we came quite close to him. He even stopped chewing the cud that was in his mouth to stare us down.

I was struck first of all by his indignant stare but then more but the low sun shining off his new velvety antlers. Opening the lens right up, I tried to capture that shine, but in truth, needed a bigger zoom! Ah well, must try harder.

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