Well I never.. fancy meeting you here...
big blue thing.
After yesterdays shennanigans we had a day at home,eldest baby is poorly so we had Jake with us most of the day,which is NO chore I can tell you,he is like his Aunties an absolute doddle... unlike the aformentioned eldest she was a screamer.(Sorry baby if you are reading this,but I never gave you away to passing strangers so that is a bonus ;) )
Pottered about,Vicki came over to discuss what we need for the weekend,it's my first ever camping trip ..... I am nervous... I will confess I am horribly spoilt and have never had the desire to camp.... HOWEVER I have caved in as my girls want to do this and I feel that life is short and they will love it...I shall suffer for them... and maybe I will enjoy it ?? I really want to love it...
Right now,I shied away from cake today... BUT THEN.... but then Mr W and Lucy made chocolate brownies.... yeahh yeahhh you know what happened next what can I say.....
Thank you all so much for loving the willy yesterday,I want to do more of those but it costs £25.00 for a family day ticket to Ragley,next year I am tempted to do the yearly deal as it IS good fun up there......they have boobies and bottom cracks too.. I KNOW :D its a gift from the gods for an idiot like me :D
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