Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos


This is the wee fella walking trying to walk while playing pushing buttons on his brother's DSi.

Not much opportunity for blips today...cut it fine leaving the office tonight so had to rush to the caught behind the tourist bus going up the Cannongate and down Jeffrey Street. Hate it when that happens:-/ Just made the train, phew.

I had 15 minutes to eat my dinner then head out the door for a Sunday Club leaders meeting. We are trying some new material this term so spent some time this evening familiarising ourself with the format...I'll get to use it with the kids in a fortnights time.

When I got home I started emergency blipping...the Weim...the Rooster...the cat's...settled on this one of the Fangler.

Usual haranguing to get the army to bed but it's all quiet on the Western front now thank goodness and I'm drinking tea and nibbling chocolate in bed:-)

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