Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

The additional passenger

Buncle had a school trip to the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh today and then they had a walk down the High Street soaking up the street performances.

He seemed to enjoy the day very much.

However, Mr R called me at work to tell me that he had managed to leave his rucksack on the train! He had seemingly popped his rucksack under his seat on the train and then got off at Stirling completely forgetting about it. I think he must have realised pretty quickly as they managed to intercept it at Dunblane:-) So it was waiting for me to collect at Stirling Station when I returned home this evening. Strapped it on to my handle bars as I already had my rucksack on and the pannier on the rack.

So glad we got it back...there was a new school jumper and kagool in it!

Once lost 6 kagools in a rucksack on a Scotrail train...we never got them back:-( Mr R was bringing the army to Edinburgh and I was meeting them in the the time he had organised the troops to get off the train he forgot about the father like son!

However, this time all's well that ends well...

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