michigan man

By outdoorguy

Darling Ducklings

I was surprised to see these babies so late into
the season. I was having a conversation with a kayaking fisherman, and momma
brought these 5 on to the shore. I thought she would at least take them into
some grass...but she ordered them to take a rest on the concrete of the boat
It has been a couple of months since I've seen
any ducklings. I never tire of watching them...until they turn into that awkward
toddler stage where they lose the cuteness. Almost humanlike. All they need is
to get a mouthload of braces....and they would be just like our
I got about 12-13 pictures, and the kayaker was
getting tired of talking. He wanted to hit the water. He said..."Sorry fella,
but I think I'm going to have to mess up your picture taking." He lifted his
boat toward the water, and Mom and the 5 little ones hurried away. I kept my
camera on the fisherman as he entered his kayak...just in case he tipped it
over. It probably would have made a better blip than the ducklings. He paddled
off without a hitch.
So...the ducklings won out. If they were turned
around in the other direction...I would swear they were practicing their
V-formation flying manuevers. These little guys will not be flying south this
fall.They will have to face the cold winter with the rest of

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