visions of chloe

By biblinros

Well done Hayley!

Why have I blipped a pump handle lable and a bottle of beer? Why did I say I would explain why I didn't do the blip I intended yesterday? Why this title?
Well, Hayley is a very special friend who was at school with our daughter and yesterday we took her birthday present to the micro-brewery where she is the brewster (ie makes the beer!) I was going to blip Hayley in the brewery, but it has expanded so much since we were there last that there was hardly room. They were extra busy too with a bank holiday coming up and some special publicity.
In the national beer festival held in London recently Loweswater Gold won its category and Hayley became the first female brewster to win a category.
I can't blip the gold because we have drunk what we had in the house! But this blip shows two beers which Hayley has created since starting as a brewer.

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