Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd


As I mentioned yesterday, my dear Mama is visiting me at the moment. Normally, she lives in Germany and one of the things that she really misses over there is English shops, specifically Marks and Spencer's. So today we took a little trip into Kingston so Mum could get her dose of shops.

My Mum (who still won't let me blip her) is quite glamorous and is much more girly than I am. Today she wanted to buy a pair of flat shoes (she doesn't possess any...) for a forthcoming trip she is taking. I had to persuade her that the red stilettoes with the 6 inch heel did not qualify as flat, no matter how comfy they were!

Normally, I am not a particularly keen shopper but I don't mind with Mum as we always have a bit of a giggle.

Today, I present you with a picture of a shopping centre........

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