my corner of the world

By Vic

Calm after the storm!

Today started off a strain and didn?t quite go to plan. Jasmine went into town doing her charity work for the Lifestyle summer project. John, Jaden and I went to Danes Dyke for a walk. Jaden, I suspect, had little sleep last night and cried when he got out of the car. He then winged and moaned and whimpered and cried throughout the walk. Usually he loves running down the hill from tree to tree but not today.

We ended up on the beach where he took himself off to the sea and calmed himself. Then John got a call out (someone needed the mountain rescue team) so we quickly ran back to the car. Jaden?s attitude changed. He couldn?t understand why we were going. I tried to explain how precious family time together is and how we have to make the most of every moment as we don?t know when it might end. He said he was sorry. The important thing wasn?t the being sorry but not wasting time together. Hope he truly understood that ?a grown up lesson to comprehend.

We had some dinner, Jasmine returned and then we went to spend the afternoon with our friends Beth, Isabelle and Libby so all was not lost!

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