More hand stuff

Crabtree & Evelyn's Gardener's 60 second hand fix kit. Just what you mentioned, Kath!

More miracle hand cream in a tube. I've had the LaSource kit before, but the shop only had the Gardeners kit, and I'm not fussy. It may even give me green fingers with any luck.

I've been texting (and missing) my daughter whilst she's been away. I had two texts off her, which is good, because it means either she isn't missing us too much or she's too busy with all the activities laid on. I've wanted to ring her, but my husband persuaded me not to, as it might make feel her homesick, if she wasn't before.

Anyway, tonight she rang! She's been windsurfing, mountain biking and Pico sailing up to now. Pico sailing is her favourite activity so far. I'm thrilled that she's trying all these new things, what a great experience for her.

I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. Maybe, we could try this as a family holiday next year? Just a thought. It's becoming difficult to find something to suit us all given the age difference in our kids (our son will be 16 and our, daughter, 11) .

If we do go on a water sports holiday, I'd better stock up on the hand cream!

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