Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


It's only by virtue of the fact that it was Noah's birthday yesterday that this particular subject had to wait until today!

And by the way...thanks so much for all the lovely birthday wishes for my little bug :-)

This was always going to be a blip though!

From the moment that the lovely Nicole rifled through the new practice magazines yesterday and uncovered The Beano, with its free gifts, this one has been on the cards.

The very kind staff at TKS have recently been supplying H with Beano freebies. We've had water pistols and a sucker-tipped archery set but *this*...*THIS*...well...this was little boy gold. It's so simple, yet actually pretty compelling

At the start I put it on my finger when I returned home and pretended I'd hurt it at the practice (which is being renovated so it wasn't too difficult to come up with a plausible story for H ;-) His reaction was slightly more dramatic than I'd initially expected. He completely freaked.

After I'd calmed him down and demonstrated that I was fine it was game-on. I think he tried it out on every friend who lives in our road...then they tried it out on their parents. Never has such a cheap piece of free crap given so much pleasure to so many children over the course of a few hours!

I may let him have the whoopee cushion this afternoon...

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