Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Wait a Minute Mr. Postman!

What's that you're posting there?

Well in this particular instance it's a little wooden letter...which was purpose designed for the task and bought for Noah by my wonderful sister-in-law Kath.
But Noah does like to post things...lots of things....Over the past few weeks we've lost car keys, a roll of film, camera batteries, necklaces, socks, antiperspirant, shampoo and Bob's electric shaver. Each item has been retrieved after much searching, posted somewhere unlikely...from the washbasket to the tumbledrier.

I suspect we will lose more items over the coming months...

For now though I'm encouraging him to use the postbox though he's only had it since yesterday and I've already retrieved a rice cake, one of Henry's socks and my watch from inside it! Hey ho.

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