A Dog's Dinner

By G

May Day Madness

May I make my fond excuses
for the lateness of the hour,
but we accept your invitation, and we bring you Beltane's flower.
For the May Day is the great day, sung along the old straight track.
And those who ancient lines did lay
will heed the song that calls them back.
Pass the word and pass the lady, pass the plate to all who hunger.
Pass the wit of ancient wisdom, pass the cup of crimson wonder.

I Anderson

As you can see it's all been too much for my assistant.
Up first thing to wash his face in the morning dew. Then counting the cuckoo calls in the woods. A good hour or two in chasing rabbits and defending the garden borders from an attack of marauding sheep.

A busy May Day - hope you all had a fine start to the summer.

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