Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Red Admiral

Thanks everyone for the ID on yesterday's bird of prey.

Today started with heavy rain followed by a spell of warmth and sunshine. Spotted this red admiral in its usual spot in the garden so , in true stalker mode , set off in quiet pursuit of said butterfly. Definitely getting better at manhandling the lens which we now call the Beast;
a) because of its bulk and weight
b) because it has been used mainly for photographing all sorts of wildlife from wee beasties like the capsid and big beasties like the stag.

Anyway I was quite pleased with this shot. So it's an early upload which is just as well as we are now having more heavy showers and we're heading over to Balfron to pick up our grandsons who have invited themselves for our village Fun Day. Hope to have some interesting shots tomorrow, with a wheelbarrow race - dressing up in daft costme obligatory ; men's baking competition ; floral and veg displays ; barbeque / scottish disco - wonder what that will be, probably Bay City Rollers and the Proclaimers with some Rod Stewart thrown in . Must take my Jimmy Shand LPs along.
Have a great weekend.

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