A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Meet Sparky

This is one of my baby boy cats. May I introduce to you the ever so cute and mild mannered "Sparky". He was allowed out to play for a bit tonight, as I had to let him out, in order to bring "Chippy" in to put him in his cat box for the trip to the vet. Because he was out and about, I was able to get a decent piccie of him!
I'll try to get a blip of Chip in the next few days.

For those of you who read my journal t'other day it would appear that we might be able to keep Chippy as our visit to the vet confirmed our suspicions that he has not been 'done'. It also looks like one of his 'nutkins' has stayed in the abdomen so he's going to have to have abdominal surgery next week to remove that and the one thats on the outside where it should be! So, HOPEFULY once thats been done, within a few weeks we should return to the blissful cat harmony that not so long was 'normal' in our house - I hope so! I'm not so sure that Chippy will be quite so happy about that process tho!!!!!

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