Happy Birthday C!!

My dear daughter turns 40 today! The last of my children to reach this milestone, both my children and their spouses are now in their forties!! Does that mean that I am growing old now? Eisch!! ;-)

A very happy birthday to you C, wishing you all the love, happiness and prosper you deserve in the years to come! You are the most precious gift the good Lord could have given me and I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all your tender loving care and generosity towards me and the two R's, we DO appreciate and love you dearly!

Thank you for touching so many people's lives, you are widely appreciated for your tireless care and empathy toward every person who cross your path! God bless!!

This police patrol aeroplane flew right over our heads in the garden while we were preparing to start our braai (bbq) with a few friends, to celebrate C's birthday today, he obviously flew in, to say 'Happy Birthday' as well, in search of some criminals again!! ;-o

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