This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today was productive and mellow at the same time.
Stewart designed a postcard for my upcoming exhibition. I love it!
You can see it on my blog if you know where that is. A list was made, art supplies were purchased and lunch at Hugos was had. Then to the studio, where I glazed the remaining paintings and painted the sides white. Stewart helped with that as well. Very handy to have him here as I am getting ready for my show. Truthfully the show and everything else seems a bit secondary right now compared to his being here.

Stewart showed me the blipblog this morning and I think I blushed, nervously giggled and ran out of the room.

Things are great. I am happy. Now if poor Stewart can just handle the heat of the next few weeks and we won't even mention the swelling bug bite on his leg...

Yee haw!

PS.. Y'all are lovely. x.

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