As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Why Was There So Much Running At Zumba Camp?

Last full day of Foundation :(

We had a long run in the pouring rain. After that we got cleaned up and had lunch. We chilled with Walsh in his store and I became a spokesperson for Polar Heart Rate Monitors. We met in the Palace for our Breakout session meeting. We went to the massage class and then back to Momo's class just to chill. Then we went to ZUMBA as our afternoon workout. What a great time. We did a ton of dancing and it was awesome. After that we ate dinner. After dinner we went back to our cabin and had a bro-sesh. Some people set up Kan-jam in our bunk because it was raining outside. Dylan decided to tee-pee our bunk as we were getting ready for the dance. We had a dance party on our porch and then rolled out as a cabin to the dance. I had an awesome time. The music was great and the people were much better. Enough said. After that me, Timmy, and Justin hung out at the canteen and then went back to our bunks.

Word of the Day: Footle - To act or talk in a foolish or silly way

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