Rodents rule

By squirk

May - the birthday month

It really is! Over the past two days I've made six cards - four are for birthdays in the office and two are for two ladies who are leaving to give birth in May. Phew! All are girls, except one bump, which remains mysterious. The other bump I know has a girl being created inside. She's due to see the outside world in 6 days! It's all very exciting.

I also have two cousins about to give birth, a brother with a birthday in May and four friends (not colleagues) who have May birthdays. No other month is as busy as this one for the birthday bonanza!

I like birthdays, though, so I'm not complaining.

Big Little Bro - I'm planning to find you a suitable birthday gift in Massachusetts. Any requests? A BeeGee? I can't get that song out of my head... Now I've put it into yours :-) By the end of reading this paragraph, Dad (Cradlehall) will be singing it!

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