Nemo me impune lacessit

Today's the day ........................... for a breath of fresh air

This is the impressive heraldic crest carved into the stone wall of one of the buildings of the hospital where my Dad is. The building was once the Administration Centre of what was the Victoria Hospital for Consumption - the first Tuberculosis (TB) Sanatorium in Scotland opened in 1894 by Dr Robert Philip.

Dr Philip was a pioneer in the treatment of Tuberculosis. His treatment before the discovery of effective medication was revolutionary in that he would isolate the patient from family and friends and place them into an environment with plenty of sun and fresh air and mild exercise.

The Centre included a dining hall/chapel complete with pipe organ and organ loft. It also had a bell tower although an actual bell was never installed because it was thought it might disturb the patients.

Next year this hospital is going to be moved to a new site and all these buildings will be demolished. The plans of the new hospital are on display but don't seem to include anything like a bell tower or even a modest crest ........................

ps Thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday about my Dad. They really meant a lot to me.

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