must try harder

By halfcj

Who knew?

Usual Sunday night Pub Quiz at the Bell Inn. Absolutely packed tonight! One of Popz's longest standing friends Naomi joined us. She's like one of the family and slots right in whenever she comes over.

She caught us up with all her news, her brother's flight taking him back to University in the states had been delayed for a week due to the storms (hope all you east coast blippers are safe and sound!! - although we hear it's been downgraded to tropical storm now, not that it means much to us in the UK, never experienced one of those or a hurricane!), her sister is off to Trinity Dublin to study history, a University both Popz and Naomi had offers from, but neither chose to go, and then numerous stories of her recent holiday in Tuscany with the family. She comes from a fairly large Jewish family and it sounded like they had a riotous time, some funny riotous, other bits not so funny! She could write a book!...and probably should.

This weeks quiz was harder than previous visits, and the 'bonus-pot' question was "multiply the % area Africa is of the overall earth area by the number of countries in Africa." ??? - Answers on a postcard please!

Who knew? - (One team of A level students now old enough to compete in pub quizes!!....that's who! - They won the £100)

As we entered the pub, right by the River Thames, the sky was on fire! Wish we had been in the pub tonight. We came about 6th out of 14 teams!
No shame, but no cigar!

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