Weekend Attention
Living on the opposite side of the nation from "Irene" caused us to wonder all weekend how friends who live in the path of the storm were doing . TV coverage made it all look overwhelming. Late on this Sunday evening the report appears to be that NYC escaped the predicted worst.
Here on the West Coast, well at least in SoCal, we've had severe heat. Yesterday Lake Elsinore had 112 degree heat. The high here today was 104! It was after 10 pm before it was cool enough to open the house.
And tomorrow the fall semester begins! Summer seems to always arrive just in time for "Back to School." We've had a fairly cool summer. I hope that we do not have a hot autumn.
I have spent the weekend, really, the whole weekend ,sitting at this computer getting the online portion of my hybrid English course designed, organized, and functioning. I will be teaching two hybrid classes with 30 students enrolled in each and I have a waitlist of 30 students for each one. The cost of classes has increased significantly, but the increase of students has too. I tell my students that the only thing more expensive than getting an education, is not getting one. So it all starts tomorrow. Thankfully the classes I teach and the labs I oversee are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
The last weekend in August has just concluded. No! No! No! I'm not ready for summer break to end. Really, though, this has been a good summer. The best of it happened in August as Mr. Fun & I found ourselves "lost in time" and "lost in California" and hoping no one would find us.
Good night from a warm, very warm Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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