Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Camping: Day 2

I don't drink wine, it has a little too much taste for me. I like lager because basically they all 'taste' more or less the same. However a can of Carling simply doesn't hit the spot when it comes to blip. Some nice reflections in my old man wine glass does though.

Sunday was a great day on our camping trip. despite limited phone signal (reduced to none as the day progressed) and despite a slightly miscalculation with the directions through some nearby woods. I have to say the site we stayed on was ace, just outside Edwinstowe heading towards Mansfield. I had to chuckle at the Edwinstowe sign: Edwinstowe - Robin Hoods village.

You'd think they'd have renamed in Robinshoodstowe maybe? If Robin Hood robbed the rich and allegedly gave to the poor, how did he afford to buy a whole village? I take my hat off to him though for opening a cracking little newsagents (Robin Hoods News. Probably) that saved my life Sunday morning by providing me with 20 B&H after a smoke free Saturday.

We were visited on site by some friends, and one had a little too much of the stuff above and was unable to drive home, forcing a stay. briefly our little fivesome was boosted to six with the usual peppering of alcohol, heart burn inducing food and increasing layers to combat the chilly August evening breeze.

In other news the grand final of the Sherwood Forest Campsite Football tournament ended 3-2 to the other lot. Our team of Dad, Me, Lickle Li-um from the next tent and a twelve year old adreniline junky by the name of Tom were only narrowly defeated in the after dark spectacle. Dustbins for goalposts, I shit you not. Incidentally a certain Gary 'Le Tissier' Lovesnothing popped two goals in, one off the bin and the other after an exquisite turn bamboozled Our Darren (okay so he couldn't see where I was through the pitch black and lager vision) before slotting comfortably past Toms Dad with a deft flick of the right boot.

I'm sure Match of the Day will show it tomorrow.

Oh No. It's five o'clock in the morning.......

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