
22months 7days

I was going to do a collage today in an effort to catch all the fabulousness but I'm not doing it justice, and I love this shot on its own as it kind of sums up Katie's attitude to the whole day.

We've loved the day. We spent it in Scarborough, leaving fairly early, and arriving to a very beautiful start to the day and gorgeous views across the bay. We had a morning with Granny and Grandad. We went to the Sunday market and found brilliant bargains, a few Christmas/birthday presents to put away and Po (teletubby) toy that she is chuffed to bits with. She asked for strawberries and ate nearly the full tub of them.

We all went to a cafe for lunch. Katie was telling everyone near her that she was with her Grandad. She played in the peppy pig ride whilst she waited for her lunch to be ready, then drank milk from the little tiny cartons.

We then went back to Grandad's to pick some things up, and put Katie in her pram as she'd fallen aleep, before we headed to my aunt's for the summer party for my cousin's birthday. These are fantastic but slightly crazy affairs - lots of cousins, aunties, uncles. Lots of silly games, lots of noise, but lots of fun, love and happy times. She got so stuck in and was delightful.

She did the treasure hunt on a team with Granny and Grandad. She had to hunt for yellow lego (large duplo!) and later told me "grandad yellow bricks". She won the treasure hunt! She was brilliant during the "marshmallow game" (cocktail sticks, mini marshmallows, teams race to build biggest structure) and she was so carefully putting the marshmallows on the sticks - and didn't eat one! She spent ages playing with the balloons that were around the floor, and was so happy with all the family around her. It was lovely to see her so settled with all of them now.

Earlier in the day, Granny had taught Katie a new word/skill - Radley spotting. She can now hunt out, identify and name Radley Dog on handbags, purses, mirrors, umbrellas. My cousins are all Radley mad so she had plenty of chances to find him!

She's had some great new phrases and words today - including Radley Dog, guitar, "Uncle Simon's yellow guitar", "I can't see any dog, where is the dog?" Little chatterbox!

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