I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Dad will you play ball with me?

Well thats Monday over, thank Crunchie, lots of meetings today (D, dont worry yours was the most interesting!)
Home to cheesey Mac and "tons" of homework for the kids. Checked the Home work policy for the school and will definately have to keep an eye on the amount that "E" is getting. 30 mins max it says......Mmmm I know we try to do as much as possible on a Monday due to commitments with clubs etc during the week but there was definately weight to the quantity he had.
"I" has bailed to the golf for an hour or two.
Just away to do 15 min personal reading with "E" now, thats ontop of the daily homework....sometimes you wonder what they do at school?
Have a chill night peeps.

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