I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Wee ivy!

Oh what a day! Its been busy at work and at home. A wee break at lunchtime and a walk around the garden at work produced this lovely wee bit of ivy, clinging to a tree. I plodded through a minefield of mole hills to get there. The detail in this one leave was brilliant.

Tonight "E" decided to give athletics at Victoria Park a go. "I" loves it and took to it like a duck to water but "E" can be a more cautious soul, and at one point I thought he was going to bottle it, but no he stuck to it and I think surprised himself in his fitness and abilities. The size of the stadium with the stands and impressive running track are daunting to a 10 year old but it appears to have been a hit with him and he plans to go back next week.
Right now down to basics, tomorrows tea is in the slow cooker, washing machines on and the tumble dryer is a go too, and its only 10.50pm!

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