Aberdeen Controlled Parking Zone RR

These new parking ticket machines have been appearing in Old Aberdeen in the past few weeks as part of the new Controlled Parking Zone RR that the City Council is introducing in parts of Old Aberdeen / Sunnybank / Tillydrone & Seaton. This was discussed in an article in The Aberdeen Voice e-zine last Autumn. Anyway, the new zone goes "live" on Thursday 1st September - and apart from charging visitors to park, the Council can now charge residents £80 for a first and £120 for a second parking permit. Once the principle of residents buying a permit has been introduced, the council is of course at liberty to increase the annual charge for the permits ... kerching!

Regardless of the pros and cons of the new parking zone, I can't help thinking that these blocky ticket dispensers look very out of place on the cobbled streets of Old Aberdeen - this one is on The Chanonry, just opposite St. Machar's Cathedral.

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